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Why Coding Camp Is a Must This Summer

Whether you’ve always wanted to study computer science or you’re inclined to do something different in college, coding bootcamps offer a wealth of advantages not found anywhere else. Dynamic and hands-on approaches to problem-solving are just one of the many advantages of taking a coding summer course.

Here’s what you need to know: 

The Skills Come in Handy 

Typically, most computer science programs at the university level focus on theory over application or practice. Courses at coding bootcamps that are dedicated to web development or learning a specific language are quite rare. 

Even more so, it’s possible that students who graduate with a computer science degree never end up using Javascript or Swift during their training. These languages tend to not only be the most popular languages when working with web and mobile development, but they're in high demand.

While getting a computer science degree can be useful in other aspects—like learning the basics and foundations of development—it tends to lack the focus needed to master a language. Finding the right coding bootcamp can help fix this by allowing you to apply what you learn in a dynamic and collaborative environment.

Stay Ahead of the Game 

In this competitive world of technology, the best way to move ahead is to keep learning when others are not. During the summer, most people are focused on finding the best vacation destinations and spending time doing what they enjoy. Taking a summer course does not mean you’re not enjoying your summer, but it means making the right choices while also having fun.

Before entering the next stage of your life—college and beyond—you want to make sure you’re prepared. Aside from preparing your dorm and choosing electives, you want to make sure you’ve got experience and practice under your belt. Going to summer coding camp can make sure you’re a few steps ahead and give you the necessary skills to keep up with college work. 

Aside from just getting ahead, you’ll also have the chance to build your portfolio during coding camp. By applying what you’ve learned throughout your course, you’ll be able to gradually enhance your portfolio by working on challenging projects, deploying them online, and making your code open-source. This way, you can empirically show off your coding abilities and easily prove your skillset. 

The Networking Effect 

You’ve probably already noticed the positive effect of students getting together to pursue their interests. When entering a coding summer camp, you’ll be surrounded by many students who, just like you, are motivated to work and learn the magic behind coding. 

The result of working in a dynamic classroom with expert teachers is a group of deeply inspired students who can create a booming network for the future. You’ll not only make friends with people who have common interests, but you’ll be able to build your community and support for the future. Think about projects where you can work together, troubleshoot together, and eventually even create your own business together! With a strong network, the opportunities are endless.

Train Your Brain 

The truth is that when summer comes, we tend to gradually lose the sense of learning and processing power that we used throughout the year. This is because summer holds a laid back ambiance that encourages relaxation and diminishes the need to do any critical thinking. 

Studies show that learning a new language (such as computer programming) leads to cognitive advantages such as better working memory and longer attention span. Interestingly enough, programmers train their brain twice as much since writing code activates both regions of the brain that handle language processing and mathematical reasoning. 

Building such valuable skills can not only enhance your brainpower but help prepare you for college; an increase in responsibility means you’ll be putting your enhanced memory and attention to work!

Learn Coding & Web Development

Now that you’re convinced, NextGen Bootcamp offers one of the best summer coding camps in NYC and would love to have you on board. Learn more about your web development, computer science, and tech summer courses today.

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